Season the chicken breast with salt and pepper or with your favorite spice blend.
Prepare the next 4 items simultaneously.
Cook the chicken in oil in a grill pan until done and the inside temperature reads at least 165 F. This will take about 15-20 minutes, depending on the thickness of the chicken breast. Allow to cool and cut in thin slices or cube.
Bring a pot of water and salt to a boil and add the corn on the cob. Cook for approx. 10 minutes until the corn is done. Allow to cool and cut corn off the cob.
Cook the bacon in a skillet or in the oven until crisp and allow to cool. Crumble.
Cook the egg by boiling it 4-10 minutes depending on how hard you like your egg to be.Allow to cool and cut in quarters or crumble.
Prepare the dressing: Make a simply vinaigrette: a mixture of oil (3-4 parts) and vinegar (1 part), salt and pepper. Or make your favorite dressing. Alternatively, you can use a ready made dressing.
Next thing to do is to cut and chop and vegetables:
Cut or tear a green lettuce. NOTE 1
Quarter, half or slice tomatoes. NOTE 2
Cube or dice the avocado.
Cut carrots in sticks or cubes. NOTE 3
Slice the cucumber (skin on) or cube.
Crumble blue cheese and cut the cheddar cheese in sticks or cubes. NOTE 4
Place the lettuce on a large dish or plate and arrange the various items on top of the lettuce. You can do this in rows, or in clusters.
Serve the dressing separately.
The preparation time and cooking time can take place at the same time. So total time to make this salad would be around 30-45 minutes. All depending on how cold you want the cooked items to be.
Any green leaf lettuce will do. Romaine, iceberg, Boston or butter, Bibb or even Spinach
Use normal sized tomatoes and slice or quarter them. Also grape tomatoes or any other type of small tomatoes work perfectly.
When you use carrots slice them or cut them in stock. Baby carrots can also be a great alternative and no cutting necessary.
Use a crumbly blue cheese, to name a few easily available blue cheeses: Roquefort, Danish Blue or Maytag Blue. For the alternative cheese, use a cheddar with some age on it. This will give an additional mouthfeel and more flavor than a young bland cheese.